Tag: flash story

  • Our Very Last Trip

    I knew this was going to be my last trip with Laura the moment we boarded the plane.  The way she kept trying to check social media, to check the news until the very last second didn’t bode well for the rest of the trip.  All I wanted to do was to talk about all…

  • Uncertain

    At this point, I didn’t know where I was going to go from here.  I had just quit my job without any back-up plan.  I no longer had health insurance or a steady income.  My almost fiancée had just broken up with me which was a situation that seemingly came out of nowhere.  I had…

  • Love of Suffering

    From an early age, I knew running was the one thing I could focus on.  The one thing I could use to get away from troubles at home.  The only action I could take where my family wouldn’t join in and in the action, I could take the time to quiet my buzzing mind.  I…

  • No Decision Here

    “There is no decision here.  You will not leave.  You will not leave this house.  This is your future.  Our family is your future.”  My father stood over me and I wondered how I would survive if I stayed under his roof for one more night.  My creativity was stifled by a man who didn’t…

  • Free and Clear

    “We are in the free and clear.  I hope we can escape before he gets back,” Riley whispered as we both listened for Jerald to come back.  His heavy tread on the wood floor was the only way we knew whether or not he was home.  For being such a shy and docile man, I had…

  • The Muddy Forest

    PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson  I knew the forest would be muddy, but I wasn’t expecting this. How would I ever be able to follow through with my plan if I could get my car through? It was obvious someone had tried before me, but I didn’t have the driving experience to make me confident…

  • Truly Sorry

    “He told me he was sorry, but after what he has done, how can I believe him?  How can I ever believe our father ever again?”  I stared at the lake and wanted my sister to say something.    I knew she wanted our father to go back to being the father of our childhood, but…

  • A Verbal Agreement

    “We had an apartment!  You gave me your word!”  My neighbor screamed at her boyfriend from her front porch.  Honestly, I didn’t bat an eye because they were constantly getting into shouting matches and I really paid attention if they were physically threatening each other.  I was happy there were no children who were daily…

  • Buried My Secret

    I spent the majority of the last two years trying to bury my biggest secret.  If no one found out, it would be a miracle.  The fact no none had found out already was definitely a miracle.  I had done so much harm in one night it was unbelievable, but the police had no idea…

  • The Only One

    As I stared out the back door, I realized no one would understand as much about my life as the large oak tree in my backyard.  She was the one I told all my secrets to and the one who I read all my stories to.  The one who helped me edit my poetry before…